Hello and thank you for the quality of your software that I highly recommend around me.
I'm a biomecanical engineer, manager of the gait and movement analysis laboratory of the rehabilitation center Bois-Larris, French Red Cross.

Clinical gait analysis laboratory have to use your software to measure some angles in the sagittal and coronal planes during walking. However, the measure of angles are not quite the same in clinic as in Movement Science.
for exemple the ground contact by the heel in sagittal plane (for normal walking) is 90 °, the angle of the foot relative to the tibia. This value of 90° has for us a value of 0 ° because we consider values ??less than 0 as plantar flexion and above 0 as dorsiflexion. For the knee, we have at initial contact a value about 5 to 10 ° of flexion. We consider the leg fully extended at 0 ° of flexion. Any positive value will be considered as flexion, any negative value as extension.

Would it be possible to give the user the possibility to determine the angle 0 for each joint? I am ready to help you in this task in every way that you find useful.

With this option, you will be a great help to clinicians who can more easily use your software in the context of gait analysis and compare the results of rehabilitation, surgery consistent with the laboratories analysis quantified the march.

Thank you to you


2 (edited by joan 2012-03-03 21:40:26)


I believe it's also probably what was suggested in this thread.

I think it's an important point, and after looking quickly at some physical goniometers, I can see how the current angle tool is not appropriate for a range of applications. 
What I'd like to do is to first think of it as a separate tool, say a goniometer tool or similar, dedicated to measuring joint angles and range of motions.
It does not have to resemble a physical goniometer, but should probably provide the same services and convenience. We'll see if it can be merged with the simple angle tool later.

- Setting the reference angle -> a third manipulable branch, or having a fully graduated circle, or just main landmarks, or something else…
- Mesuring an angle relatively to the reference.

Don't hesitate to suggest on the form or usability or anything you think of.

In addition to being able to manually set the reference angle, it may be interesting to have a contextual menu with presets for joints… But some have several degrees of freedom…