(36 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Joan, 64 bit is the way ahead for sure. I have sent a note to Code Laboratories support asking if they have, or plan a 64 bit driver. I'll provide an update if and when I get a response.
* Update. 09Feb20. No response from Code Laboratories or the original author of the CL PS EYE driver regarding plans for a 64bit version so have switched to a different driver which appears to work pretty well in 64bit mode with Kinovea 9.1 on both Windows 10 and 7 64bit. It can be found here :  https://github.com/jkevin/PS3EyeDirectS … rBeta2.msi


(36 replies, posted in General)

Great job on the new recording automation feature in 9.1, that will be very useful.

I'm using a PS Eye webcam with the CL EYE Driver which I believe is 32 bit, and the PS Eye is not detected in the 9.1 beta even though the driver viewer utility works. Is there a workaround for this or any chance of a 32 bit version of 9.1. 

I also tested with the previous beta version of Kinovea 8.27, with both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions, and only the 32 bit detected the PS Eye so I'm making the assumption this is a 32 bit vs 64 bit issue. I tested on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 64 bit. 

Many thanks.