
(2 replies, posted in Français)


Important : pour les utilisateurs de Windows 7, un bug critique empêchant le chargement de toute vidéo a été identifié dans cette version 0.8.3. Le correctif devrait être disponible bientôt.

À terme oui, il faudra avoir une fenêtre permettant le choix précis de l'origine du repère.
Pour l'instant ce référentiel est relatif au premier point.

Étant donné que les points sont relatifs, les coordonnées et distances (en pixel ou autre) des différents points de la trajectoire sont les mêmes, quelque soit la façon dont ce point est déterminé en interne par rapport au centre du carré bleu.

Donc le point 2 n'a pas vraiment d'incidence.
Je sais pas si c'est très clair,
Tu poses le premier point, il est à {0,0}, tu pose un point 10 pixels plus loin vers la droite et le bas, il est à {10,-10}.
Ceci est vrai quelque soit le pixel réel qui est utilisé pour faire le calcul, tant qu'on utilise le même pixel de référence dans l'autre.
Donc que l'on utilise le centre du carré, le coin haut/gauche, ou même un point qui serait 100 pixels à droite, la différence entre les deux pixels de référence donnera toujours la même chose que la différence entre les deux centres du carré…

Conclusion: c'est un détail d'implémentation, tu peux considérer que c'est le centre du carré qui est utilisé.


(5 replies, posted in General)

The bug that some of you reported on Windows 7 has been identified and corrected in dev version. Thanks !
It will be fixed in the next experimental release, available I don't know when. wink


(7 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Yes, I think I remember someone over the french part of the forum reporting using an Exilim.
And for these high speed cameras, there is a special option to match the time display and the capture speed of the video.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hmm, might be some last minute regression introduced… I couldn't test the last 2 versions on Vista or 7 though, so I might have missed something.
Can you send me the logs in Application Data folder (from menu > Help > Open log folder…)


(20 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Ok, the issue with the Norvegian based systems should be fixed in the new 0.8.3.
However I didn't test on an actual Norvegian based system so please report if it worked out.


(5 replies, posted in General)

"Experimental" versions are available on the forum.
The goal of this change is that you can test and comment on new features while they are being built.
So it's your turn to play now, and report bugs and usability suggestions wink.

The installer is available here: Please get 0.8.4 instead.

Not many new features since 0.8.2 but bugfixes, including an important one fixing the memory leak on deinterlace.
Plus two new options in the General Preferences to always force an image aspect ratio or deinterlace mode if needed.

For general comments and suggestions related to new additions: post in this thread.
For bugs, you can directly feed the bug tracker.

And here's a small snapshot - Mosaic filter in action (menu Motion > Mosaic…):
(Incredible video from  Danny MacAskill)



(2 replies, posted in Français)

Les versions « expérimentales » sont disponibles publiquement sur le forum.
Le but de la manœvre est que vous puissiez tester et commenter les nouveautés alors même qu'elles sont en cours de construction.
Donc à vous de jouer le jeu et de remonter les bugs trouvés et des suggestions d'ergonomie wink

L'installeur est disponible ici : Merci de passer à la version 0.8.4.

Pas énormément de nouveautés sur la 0.8.2 mais surtout des correctifs dont un important sur une fuite mémoire lors de l'utilisation du mode "désentrelacé".
D'autre part deux nouvelles options dans les Préférences générales pour forcer systématiquement le format d'image et le désentrelacement si besoin.

Commentaires généraux et suggestions : dans la suite de ce sujet.
Pour les bugs, vous pouvez aussi directement alimenter le bug tracker

Une petite capture pour la route - le mode mosaïque en action (menu Mouvement > Mosaïque…) :
(vidéo incroyable de chez  Danny MacAskill)



(9 replies, posted in Bug reports)

yes, as I wrote above this will be part of a future enhancement. A setting will be put in the global preferences to persist the value.


(3 replies, posted in Bug reports)

In the drawing's configuration, setting the number of frames to persist to "1" and disabling persistence should have the same effect.

This is why the slider in the main preference setting is starting at "2" (and I would say it's the one in the local settings that is buggy for being able to go down to 1 frame.)

Now the extra limitation of not being able to display the drawings while playing is a remnant from the time where persistence / fading did not exist. The idea was that being visible on a single frame wasn't going to be noticeable anyway.
This limitation may be removed in a future version.


(3 replies, posted in Bug reports)


Right click on the drawing > Persistence… > uncheck "Enable Persistence".
It can also be a global setting if you dont want the fading effect for any of the drawings. In that case you disable Persistence altogether from the Drawings tab in the Options > Preferences…

Ok, thanks.
I could find the issue and it should be fixed in next version.
The buffer holding the deinterlaced picture was never released sad

However I discovered an new problem with some very specific videos and the new force aspect ratio function.
I'll try to re-air a version next week or so if I can fix this too.


Thanks for the report.
Are you using the 0.7.10 version or one of the more recent experimental 0.8.x ?
Also, I think it might be related to a specific kind of .MOD files. Can you provide some more details about the origin of the files ?
(created m147 to track this)



(20 replies, posted in Bug reports)

There was an issue with the way the program was translating from the culture name ("en-US", "fr-CA", "pt-BR", etc.) to the internal representation of the language used for the interface, which is close to the neutral name ("en", "fr", "pt").
Norvegian is a special case ("nb-NO" -> "no", not "nb" tongue) and the initialization failed.

The bottom line is that I found the issue and it should be corrected in next version.
I'm very grateful that you reported this because I think it was preventing virtually everyone with Norvegian locale to use the software ! yikes

This does not explain issues with the download however.
I'll look into the server's stats tomorow to see if I can detect something wrong.


(20 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Thank you, I'll investigate this. (and learning a few things about Bokmål along the way.)
Hopefully I can find the issue without installing a Norvegian system wink


(20 replies, posted in Bug reports)

The \Roaming folder is a system folder, it is not created by Kinovea and should exist on your machine.
However it may be hidden.
I don't have a machine at hand to give you the exact steps, but you might need to change the options of the Windows Explorer so it displays hidden folders. See this article.

Yes, the icon on desktop was removed at some point. If I remember correctly it was to follow some user experience guidelines from Microsoft. Maybe it should be reinstated.

Can you access the application data folder where the "unhandled crash" log live ?
I think that if the archive is corrupted somehow, it wouldn't install, so if it installed correctly, it should run unless there is another bug. In this case the "unhandled crash" log should have more data about it.