(2 replies, posted in General)

Waiting for the betaversions of this great program is like waiting for Christmas Eve...;)


(9 replies, posted in General)

Thank you, Joan for this so far smile  I will check it out !


(19 replies, posted in General)

Hello Joan.
I found out that the "lost" pictures were those that I had directly saved to the subdirectory /guides   from ex. Inkscape. If I made a *.svg-file and moved it/dropped it to the subdirectory, then the files would show up in Kinovea.


(9 replies, posted in General)

Yes, that´s the idea smile. And also there would be a way of aligning painted tracking curves on top of each other. By using two copies of the same video there is also a way of building simple cinetograms with the overlay-tool. I just overlay multiple copies of pictures. If one could vary the transparency of the overlay, then the quality would be much better?


(9 replies, posted in General)

Would it be possible to tweak the program so, that the overlay function could be used with and after the "switch to direct zoom"-function. The frames can be aligned with the zoom and the synchronization separately and the overlay saved with the "Save a sequence of images" function...


(1 replies, posted in General)

I´ve been using this great tool for a year, mostly sprint and jump and there is a LOT to discuss. I have also started producing som SVG-files for observational references, but there is work to be done... Would you mind contacting me on my personal mail? Then we could get back to the forum with "best ideas"?


(1 replies, posted in Bug reports)

If I delay the streaming video by eg. 35 seconds, make an action in front of the camera, walk back to my computer and record the actual clip of my earlier action, the recorded clip is MISSING those 35 seconds at the end...?


(24 replies, posted in General)

The killer feature would give us a "poor mans" highspeed camera and unlimited comparison options...! But still - your KINOVEA is the best smile!


(24 replies, posted in General)

Hello Joan. I found an interesting program on the web, that can be used to stretch a videoclip to a certain framerate or duration by interpolating adjacent frames and though smoothing a rough clip.   The name of the program was MotionPerfect. Something like this could do the syncronization of movement?

Could the perpective grid have an option to be linked with measure line? With this feature a single measure could be used at different depths in the picture and the placing of the measure would not have to be in the plane/line of movement.

This would give you the possibility to do rough 3D measurement from an "aligned" perspective grid laid down on the ground and also 2D measurements on "deeper" levels in the picture?


(19 replies, posted in General)

No. I opened the "protractor.svg with Inkscape and saved it as "protractor1.svg" - Kinovea couldn´t find it. But when I saved it without changing the name, then everything was OK.


(24 replies, posted in General)

...and the function would become fantastic if you could syncronize two videos of the same performance by two athletes doing it at different speeds (topathlete versus "amateur"). Example: The first athlete does the same sequence (eg from "kneelift" to "heel down") in 0,76 seconds (45 frames on 60fps)  and the second athlete does it in 1,06 seconds (27 frames on 25 fps). I still want to compare closely them by synchronizing the beginning AND the end of the sequence...:)


(19 replies, posted in General)

I´am using Vista. All the original *.svg´s are there... I am a running it as a normal user.  The filelist shows, when I check it from my Filemanager. Just not in Kinovea.


(19 replies, posted in General)

The extensions are lowercase *.svg. Copied files don´t work either? The files moved to or saved from Inkscape to guides/    just don´t show when I start Kinovea...:(


(19 replies, posted in General)

For some reason my *.svg-files saved into the "guides"-folder don´t show up on the menu? The files were made with Inkscape.
I plan to create eventspecific (hurdles, long jump...) directories with comparable technical pictures made of original videofootage?