(1 replies, posted in Bug reports)


Maybe a bug or maybe i mis understood.
i have a video and want to measure the speed of a shuttle.
when i set the speed to KM/h and follow trajectory it is still showing pixels/s
Do i do something wrong or is this a bug?


(14 replies, posted in General)

could it be made possible to let angles appear and disappear from for example keyframe 1 to keyframe 2 an in keyframe 6 till 8 or something like that. would be very helpfull if you can let other things also appear and disappear with keyframes instead of always same time.

Maybe i just misread or could not find it.

I want an angle measurment en some tracking but i want it a long time in the video but not in the whole video.
Can you make measurement tracking appear and disappear at special keyframes?

So lets sayu the video is 3 minutes and i want measurment from 1:10 till 2:00 minutes for that angle. But in the rest of the video i don't want to see it.