(6 replies, posted in General)


So ExpTreeLib is the component responsible for the file explorer on the left hand side panel and it's a VERY old piece of code and it has a bunch of references to Windows special directories via COM. I imagine one of these might not exist under Wine maybe? Not sure. I've been meaning to replace this component entirely for a while because it's not as flexible as I want it to be, but lacking time for this specific task and it can't be done progressively.

A follow up on this, the culprit was apparently Nvidia Broadcast and its virtual webcam. Will try to get this fixed but in the meantime if you have a similar problem try to deactivate Nvidia Broadcast to see if it fixes the issue.

So the way to do that right now is to activate the display of the coordinate system, then you can drag the axes to move the origin to the point you want. It saves this origin separately from the calibration. You can't set it numerically at the moment, maybe this would be good to have.


(26 replies, posted in General)

Regarding the label, I've been wondering if this should be extended to all options in all tools. Like if you change the color of a line the next created line starts with this color. And then hide the whole color profile thing. I also want to have the style options of the current object directly available in the new right-side panel at some point.


(26 replies, posted in General)

I like this idea. And there is a related UX issue with trajectories, when there are several of them crossing paths it can be difficult to manipulate one without inadvertently grabbing a point from another, and this could use a similar approach of "disable all the others and make this one special". 

I wish to make the menu phrasing more explicit though, maybe something like "Disable shortcuts for other stopwatches" or something along these lines.


(26 replies, posted in General)

Right now the way to prevent the shortcuts to be applied to a particular stopwatch is to use the menu Options > Locked on that stopwatch. It's the only thing this menu does (you can still start/stop/split manually). I admit it's still not perfect though, it has already happened to me a few times to forget to set it and mess up the times. If you show the label above the stopwatch, it also has a little square icon which represent the "locked" state.

edit: Maybe another idea would be to check if the stopwatch already has data points in the future and in that case ignore the shortcuts. I think in most cases it should be the right thing to do. If we really want to accept shortcuts in the middle of the existing times maybe *this* can be the explicit option to activate. The only issue with this approach is that it will still potentially add unwanted time points at the end.


(26 replies, posted in General)


There are two ways to export the stopwatch data now. The traditional way using Calc or Excel as a target and the dedicated Chronometer CSV export.

The traditional way should export the data as in your suggested format. Each stopwatch will have its own separate small table with the split times and cumulative times, and also start and stop.

Now the second way is more advanced, and the reason it's organized like this is because it will try to match different time sections from multiple stopwatches, by their names (I have a video coming up explaining the new options more in detail).

This is interesting when you have several of these multi-time stopwatches overlapping. To give an idea, the first use-case this was developed for is a hurdle race where you are timing both the time intervals between the hurdles and the jump time above the hurdles, and then you want to export a table where you collate all the data for each interval. So you have a column for say the 4th interval and then you have rows for all the things you have timed during this interval.

I guess it could still be transposed, but I know at least one user that is really interested in having it in this shape, so it would have to be an option like a checkbox on a dialog before the final export.

A third way to export is through the JSON export, in this case the data is a bit more structured and it could be shaped differently, this is intended for consumption by another programming language.

Vic wrote:

It seems a very good idea. Is it in the last version for try and test or not yet?

No it's nowhere to be tested yet. I haven't started anything on this I just wanted to have a clear overview for design purposes.

All the issues in this thread should be fixed in 2023.1 I believe. Export uses the original size of the input now instead of the display size, and there are checks for weird sizes.

You can export over-under by doing File > Export video > Side by side, it will first ask for the output file name and after that there is another dialog where you can choose between horizontal or vertical configuration. Same for images. This is new in 2023.1.


(26 replies, posted in General)

Here is what I intend to do with releases going forward. After this initial release I will make several branches. We will consolidate bug fixes and translation updates into 2023.1 (calling it 2023.1.1, 2023.1.2, etc.), while new features and improvements go in the next version as normal. Basically the main change compared to before is that we will keep this version alive and it will receive bug fixes and language updates for a while.

I think the auto naming system is too rudimentary for this but we could have counter variables. Thanks for the feedback this gives a good overview of what is required.

If you use the Left/Right arrow keys it will re-synchronize the videos. This is based on the previous point where the common timeline was.

I'm assuming you are referring to this page in the manual, but I don't see the keyboard shortcut mentioned: https://www.kinovea.org/help/en/observa … rison.html

By default the shortcuts are bound like this:
- F8: moves the videos to the synchronization point.
- F9: toggles superposition on/off.

I'm thinking maybe you want the other video to "catch up" to the first one, without moving them back to the sync point?
Ah I see in the old manual that this action was bound to F9 so that must be it. There is no longer any shortcut for this at this point and F9 toggles superposition. I'll check why it was removed.

Yeah the re-ordering for the final is a complication.

In the last version I integrated a tabular control in the context of the chronometer time table, it's fairly versatile and supports editing of the cells. Maybe it could be used to display the list coming from the CSV, and there could be an additional "order" column to determine the ordering manually even after the file is loaded. This could provide a way to change the order and remove lines from being used by setting the order to a special value. Wouldn't work very well for when people "pass" though.

Another idea is to have a shortcut key to move the template context to the next row, so you can quickly cycle through the list and find the correct line.

This was suggested to me a while back in the context of trampoline (to have a video backup in case the electronic system for time of flight fails). In trampoline they have a very specific order that doesn't change and each athlete only does one "run", so the situation is a bit simpler.