(24 replies, posted in General)

Yes. The sync works when the videos are played, but moving forwards and backwards with arrows from a syncronized point takes "one frame at the time" regardless of the different fps? I am taking snapshots of the technique and not only watching the synchronized films...
Great piece of software anyway wink


(24 replies, posted in General)

Would it be possible to tweak the program so that two different videos could be synchronized from different (24, 25, 30 or 60 fps) framerates? With this it would be possible to make comparisons of for example sportsclips downloaded from eg. Youtube and such?
If the sync could be done on more that one frame, then a movement sequence of two athletes moving at differing speeds could be done?
Just an idea...

Actually. Now when there is the possibility (8.9) to use *.svg drawings on top of the videofootage you could actually use the "edge"-function to create vectorized pictures from older sequences to be used on top of your new videos?

iPod, iPhone, WII remote... They all send 3D accelerometry and gyrodata by email (iPods) and bluetooth (iPods and WII). There are already third party programs for exporting the data. There is still a need to do something useful with it...
Then it should be possible to integrate windspeed, measured pressure/force etc.

More Ideas?

A suggestion for the future would be having open channels for online and immediate/later synchronization of eg. sensory data from accelerometry and actual speed measurement to the video?


(4 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Sorry about that... Finnish might have looked a bit complicated...:)


(8 replies, posted in General)

A question on the "mosaic". Could the printing option be scalable to larger picture a.s.o. ? Now the resolution drops to inrecognizable blur when there are more than 10 pictures even with HD-video. Scaling the background to postersize (A3->) before making the sequence could perhaps improve this?


(8 replies, posted in General)

How about an own,  special word for it:   a "PicSeQ", "PSQ" for Picture sequence?

Looks funny. Not using it, though... wink


(12 replies, posted in General)

Can not explain it, but the export suddenly works again.... I´ll check if there was something different with the earlier files?


(12 replies, posted in General)

I´ve imported *.mov 60fps in BW, deinterlaced, saved it as *mkv and used the trajectory with speed indication. When I´m saving it to *.ods, *.xls or *.txt to a different name "sdkuopio.*" everything seems OK, but the spreadsheet just is not there?


(12 replies, posted in General)

Hi Joan,

Thank you for the Finnish beta.
A question and suggestions:
Does the speed given by the tracking-tool indicate speed in the direction from the earlier point (picture or startingpoint) or is it given along the X-axis?
Would it be possible to have an optional speedmeasure with BOTH the x-  and y-axis separately? The horisontal speed is important for a sprinter, the vertical for a highjumper and both for a longjumper...
My athlete is a young female longjumper. She won the Finnish championship last weekend jumping 599 in the under 17y agegroup smile

And further: the possibility for angular speed to a defined axis (a new marker). If I mark the hip and start the tracking-tool on the knee, then I could get the angular speed of an athletes kneelift.
And at last: the possibility to change these to measures of acceleration/deceleration.-

After using the tracking-tool with speedindication my spreadsheet export does not work for some reason. It does not save the data?

with best regards,


P.S. There should be some useful code out there for correction of the parallax. They are widely used in panoramastitching from pictures... This would be a great improvement to your fantastic program!

If the position of the camera (height, distance) to the center of the 2D-plane could be used, then you could probably use it to trigonometrically automatically correct the distances/speed/angles that are out of this center?


(1 replies, posted in General)

Would it be possible to integrate "ready-made" biomechanical models on human bodies/movement on either full-, lower or upper body movements? These should incorporate relative and segmential weights, lengths and points of gravity?
This functions should probably be an extension of the trajectory stuff...


(24 replies, posted in General)

Finnish interface - done! I´ll continue on the manual. Happy New Year everybody!
