Helloo Forum Users.

I am new to this forum and have a question. I am a US Football coach who ONLY trains kickers and punters. I read thru the site and the user manual but dont see the question I have posed.

What I would like to be able to do is have the users who send me their video clips be able to record back to them my analysis not just throu text, but also in speech. Does Kiovea has this application available-or is there a plug-in available for this?

Thank you.



kicker9 wrote:

What I would like to be able to do is have the users who send me their video clips be able to record back to them my analysis not just throu text, but also in speech. Does Kiovea has this application available-or is there a plug-in available for this?

Sorry, it is not possible at the moment. And Kinovea does not have a plug-in system.
It will not be added until Kinovea supports audio as input, which is still on hiatus.


What I do is make my videos and then use something like Windows Movie Maker to add the audio later.  Its not that big of a hassle.