
This problem recently started. I have the program downloaded on two PC's and the problem has recently began on both. When I draw a line or anything else and take a snapshot all looks well. But when I open the snapshot image in another program to lay it out for printing or just to view it the drawing has moved to a different location on the image.

Am I doing something wrong?

If you need examples let me know and I can send you a few images.


[edit joan: changed the subject for a more descriptive one]


Hmm... that's an ugly bug.

I experienced it once, but I couldn't reproduce it.
Can you write down:
- the image size of the video (right click + properties + summary tab)
- your screen resolution
- is the image filling the player screen or can you see black background all around ?
- what happens when you double click the image after you laid down the line (does it move by itself ? does saving works ?).




My screen resolution on this PC is 1280 x 1024. I will have to check the other one. It is at a different location.

The movie is shot in wide screen format so I see black at the top and bottom.

If I double click on the line after I draw it it will jump to the left. I can then drag it back and it will stay. Anything I draw after that stays in place. Also they will appear on the image if I open it in another program after I drag it back before I save it.



Thanks, it confirms my initial thoughts.

The bug will occur whenever the video is loaded in a container window that is smaller than the image size.
Double clicking will ask the video to try to fill the screen, and this will correct the scale factor of the image, fixing the bug.
Coordinates of the drawings are adjusted with the scale factor of the image, this is why they jumps when it is corrected.

I'll make sure a fix is shiped in the next release.
(For a quick workaround, you can double click the image before you start to draw)


Thanks for your help