I am trying to use the magnifier tool to be more accurate when digitizing a point.

Choose a part from the image / click on Magnifier tool / move the bigger zone to the wished area / click on the image to temporary fix the source.

The trouble I get is that the square of the image which is magnified does not correspond in coordenates with the real image, so it is not useful to set a marker, because you are not sure if you are clicking where you guess.

Related to the Help's example.  I can see bigger at the top left corner the contact of the ball with the bat, but when trying to paint a marker on the ball to be accurate, the point will be drawn on the top left corner once you click off the magnifier glass.

When using the magnifier glass together with the marker tool, the ideal (for me) should be to have the mouse as "an square with a cross in the middle" (similar to the one that appears when you follow a point to create a path) so you are painting on the magnified area but it's related to the real image when clicking off the glass.

Thanks in avance.

Congratulations for the marvellous software.!!

PD. Upps I posted it before Within other message.  Sorry!


Yes, I agree the magnifier should better integrate with the drawing tools.

I would like to use this thread to gather ideas about what could be done in this area.
If I understand correctly, what you suggest for a start is:
- when drawing on top of the magnifier glass, the drawing should not register to the global image underneath, but should relate to the magnified area.
- the mouse cursor should change to reflect this and to give a more precise pointing tool.