Hi i'm new to this forum and i use kinovea to analyze the angles in the cyclist with the "bike fit" tool.

On this topic I found very past discussions that did not lead me to solve my problem.

When I insert the bike fit tool on the markers of my cyclist and click the "start tracking" button, during the dynamic pedaling the bike fit tool does not stabilize on the marker and I am forced to change it manually.

I ask the more experienced if there can be a tolerance adjustment about the bike fit tool to avoid this problem.

I'd like to fix the bike fit tool and automate corner development from the software.

- Luca


There are adjustments but they are a bit hidden, you need to go to Options > Preferences > Drawings > Tracking. There you will find the default options for the size of the object window and the search window.

The object window should be as small as possible around the marker to avoid picking up the background. The search window should be large enough to encompass the marker's motion from one frame to the other, but not too large that it may pick up another marker.

One way to find the best settings for these values is to start with a normal trajectory tool (right click > Track path), and then go to its configuration window and adjust the values visually from there and do some trial and error to see what works best. Then you can copy the settings over to the main preference window.

It's probable that you will still have to adjust the position manually once in a while.


joan wrote:

There are adjustments but they are a bit hidden, you need to go to Options > Preferences > Drawings > Tracking. There you will find the default options for the size of the object window and the search window.

The object window should be as small as possible around the marker to avoid picking up the background. The search window should be large enough to encompass the marker's motion from one frame to the other, but not too large that it may pick up another marker.

One way to find the best settings for these values is to start with a normal trajectory tool (right click > Track path), and then go to its configuration window and adjust the values visually from there and do some trial and error to see what works best. Then you can copy the settings over to the main preference window.

It's probable that you will still have to adjust the position manually once in a while.

Thanks to the immediate response

In your opinion the color of the marker can help tracking?


The color itself not so much. But it's best if the marker contrasts well against the background. It should also be "rotationally invariant" and if it has contrast itself it's also better. So for example a black disc with a white dot in the middle or vice versa. Otherwise a simple black or white disc should work well enough.


Same problem here,when i set de bikefit tool and start tracking,de tool dos not follow the markers.