Hello everyone.  New poster, but have been using Kinovea for quite a while.  Love where it has gone so far!

I have used several applications like Kinovea, including Dartfish, RVP, and a couple of other ancillary types.  There are some things that I would like to offer in the area of usability.

Take a gander and let me know your thoughts.  I am tinkering with some ideas inside of Kinovea, and would like to have some feedback.

The biggest issue that I have, from a coaching perspective, is that I need additional capabilities in the areas of file storage and naming capabilities, creating a data store that can be sorted by student/athlete, and exports, and creating a library capable of retaining pro samples, much like RVP.  From a coach / end user perspective, those features are pretty critical



There is still much work to do in the player itself and limited resources, so the perimeter of the application has to be focused.

I understand how important it might be in your workflow but the ammount of work and the shift in the software focus has to be balanced against the number of persons needing this integrated in the player (as opposed to using a third party application).

I'd rather see Kinovea develop as a player with great analysis capabilities, rather than a file management system.

Since working with files is probably something completely independant, maybe you can find a management system that suits you and just use Kinovea to play the files.
If this external management system is open in its interfaces, maybe we can work out a way to display its data from within Kinovea, or even interact with these.

Thanks for your understanding. Do not hesitate to report your findings regarding these dedicated management systems.



sorry it took so long to get back with you.  I agree completely.  I would not want to take your or your teams focus away from developing the core pieces that has made this such a great application.

I may work on this portion of it on the side, and see what comes of it.  If I find or develop anything worth while, I will submit it to you guys for review.  I like the idea of sort of de-coupling it from the core of Kinovea.  That allows it to stand on its own without burdening down the system.

I will let you know what I find out or develop.
