I'm sorry for my poor English, I found Kinovea by google and I am loving it me too, and here some comments:

1) Import from camera

2) Save an image as a sequence image (overlay of a number of frame in the same picture) possible settings should be:
Number of frame, distance between frame
Ski:http://www.bormioonline.com/img/eventi/sequenza_salto.jpg 5 frame, distance 2-3 frame http://www.scuolaitalianasci.com/Upload/cms/211_x/oro1.jpg 4 frame, distance 4-5 frame
Water skiing: http://www.elation.it/_upl/esperienza/b … lation.jpg
Running: http://www.atleticanet.it/Public/avatar … quenza.jpg

3) Overlay of two videos for comparing two different athletes or the same athlete in two different tests;
example: Dartfish http://www.dartfish.com/en/media-galler … /index.htm combo "by technology" SimulCam

4) Drawing
- mantain the same tool (example: line for draw more that one line on the same image without alway choice the same instrument);
- new tools: curves, rectangles.
- new tools: multi-line (line segment connected) possibility of converting lines into curves.
