First, the result of the function to rename in case you are not familiar with it :
It takes the working zone and creates a composite image out of it.


I guess "Mosaic" is a suboptimal name for this function…
- It doesn't really speak for itself…
- In recent years, the term has come to mean something else entirely: an image created from thousands of smaller images, each one acting as a pixel in the final composite.
- It recently came to my attention that a proprietary sport analysis package was using the term "Mosaic" for one of its function somewhat similar in concept than Kinovea's Mosaic. The company behind the package has an history of patenting and trademarking things, so I think it would be best to use a different name.

Naming a function is pretty hard, please put your ideas in the hat, comment on suggestions, etc.
- Should convey the idea of multiple images and/or of video summarization.
- Should be short enough (one / two words).
- Chronophotography is reserved for a future function.

Existing suggestions:
- Video Summary or Image Summary or Summary
- Synopsis
- Kinorama
- Composite

Thanks for your help big_smile


I would suggest  :

- "Video Overview"

- "Image Sequence"



Multi View

Multiple View

Multiple Image


Thanks guys big_smile

"Image sequence" is sort of taken by the image export tool when saving multiple images at regular intervals.

I really like "Overview" smile
I wonder if it would be clear enough alone, considering it's under the Motion menu. (So it would read Motion > Overview)

Multiple View sounds good too, but somehow slighltly less characteristic of the function ? (I fear users might mix it up with the two screen mode for video comparison)


How about an own,  special word for it:   a "PicSeQ", "PSQ" for Picture sequence?


Coming from a background of animation, this image sequence reminds me of some early film devices: things like the praxinoscope, zoetrope, or kinetoscope, which eventually evolved into the motion picture camera.  Perhaps something along these lines is approriate...

I suggest kinetograph, kinetoscribe, or kinetopict (kineto meaning motion - graph meaning writing, and scribe meaning written, and pict meaning image, or picture.)

Too formal?


Thanks for all the propositions !

About coining a new word for the function:
The good part is that it creates a recognizable name, and that it does not need to be translated between all languages.
The cons is that it is not obvious what the function will do before the user clicks on the menu or check the help file.

In this, way, I think it's best to have something that is the most descriptive possible. I would like the program to speak the same language as the user so there's no surprises.

We may use a brand new name when the feature to name is completely innovative and doesn't correspond to anything.

I'm also a fan of the early history of cinema smile.
And that is why Chronophotography is already reserved for a future feature. It was a tremendous technique to decompose motion used by Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey in the 1880's.
I find this incredible how these guys were studying motion from photography more than a hundred years ago. They are totally forgotten in my opinion. A century later, we should have hardware that does that kind of stuff.

In trying to get as close as possible to describing the feature in actual words, I think "Overview" is pretty much spot on.
I have switched to that in the just-posted 0.8.6 experimental version, to try it out in the light.
Let me know if you have strong objections against it, otherwise I guess it's a keeper.


A question on the "mosaic". Could the printing option be scalable to larger picture a.s.o. ? Now the resolution drops to inrecognizable blur when there are more than 10 pictures even with HD-video. Scaling the background to postersize (A3->) before making the sequence could perhaps improve this?


Alexander wrote:

Could the printing option be scalable to larger picture a.s.o. ? Now the resolution drops to inrecognizable blur when there are more than 10 pictures even with HD-video. Scaling the background to postersize (A3->) before making the sequence could perhaps improve this?

Yes, there could be an intermediate dialog box to select the final pixel size…
The printing size however will depends on the dpi, I don't know if we can change that.
Currently each image is reduced so the complete "Overview" fit in the display, and this is also this size that is used when saving.

Also, one improvement that may be useful for this function is to be able to change the time resolution by mouse scrolling (the number of pictures sampled), so you start at 25 pictures for example, but you just scroll in a few times to see only 4 images (or out to get 36, 64, 81, etc.).