(5 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Hey Dave. Use any media you want with the supported file formats. Kinovea opens most of them really well.

If you just use the crossmarker with coordinates (right click) and manually mark all the spots you want, one frame at a time - then you can export the positioning data to a spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet you will probably have sort the different trajectories by hand... Oh, and you can define your origin of XY also.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello. As Thomas is many percent further than me I guess we could see if the hard ones match together? Please mail me Thomas.




(6 replies, posted in General)

I´m in. wink! for Finnish. Who is doing swedish? I could take that on if it´s not taken?


(2 replies, posted in General)

Sorry iolanda. There is no audio on Kinovea. It´s just videoanalysis...

How about three functions under the "TRACKING":  Track area (The high light looks GREAT!), Track point, Track magnification (the last one would be a combination of the area and magnification-tools. There would be stationary window on the video in which there is shown a magnified, tracked area OR point?

When selecting the TRACKING-tools, there could be a dual option for either "analysis" och "view". The analysis-options would then give specific data (speed, position, accelerations etc.) to be instantaneously viewed or exported and the view-options wouldgenerally improve and increase usability of the footage?


(6 replies, posted in General)

I use the pictures-option a lot....making cinetograms...or just building side-by-side or overlay comparisons. It actually IS a very useful tool. There is a small catch: if I draw on the picture, I have to save it by making a new snapshot and this lowers the quality quite substantially.


Would it be possible in the preferences to make the last recorded clip also automatically appear immediately in the playback screen as soon as the stop-button is pushed (without dragging) in which speedpreferences could be preset (ex. 30%). Combined with the delay this would make the videofeedback process much more automated?

Otherwise I think you are going and doing great, Joan!

The start and stop functions could need key shortcuts. I have experimented with wireless keyboards and mice for distant activation of the functions...

Hello Sven.  I got a Vista Home, PS3eye, Kinovea 8.13, but I can NOT get it going more than 640x480 30fps. Would you mind writing an explanation on how to do it...?


(6 replies, posted in General)

No, I mean´t the possibility to arrange the double view AND appearance of the saved dual video. You´re right on the 4-screen thing (performance A side+ performance A front  compared with performance B side+performance B front).
It doesn´t have to be a built-in feature, but it can be built manually for educational videos and such, if there is a way of combining and saving videos both side-by-side and on-top. Using the combined Kinovea-video as it is, it is easy to make 2-, 4-, 8-... videos, but they dissappear in size. The size of the single videos would not change in a setting of 1-2 down+3-4 top instead of 1-2-3-4 down...


(6 replies, posted in General)

I would put it as a button shaped as side-by-side windows at the bottow with the common controls, next to the "save both images" and "composite videos". When you click it, the screen settings toggle between side/side and stacked?
Actually, with a function like this it is possible to combine four videos using two side-by-side... This can be used when there is a performance filmed from different angles...


(6 replies, posted in General)

I mean combined on top of each other, not side by side...?


(18 replies, posted in General)

Yes and yes that´s what I meant wink . The second scenario would be closer BUT still there is a slight difference. If I am to "document" the error or technical flaw in a single picture to be handed to the athlete, a sequence+poseframe tells more. And you are right: the blending tool is good, but also requires very clear backgrounds not to blur up the details. Do I make any sense?


(18 replies, posted in General)

"...But there is a convergence between this and the blending mode. And it will be confusing to have two completely different tool serving the same purpose.
This will need to be thought over to see what can be done.

Maybe when the "aligned merge" function is in place the blending mode can be removed completely, and the image tool enhanced to allow for "Send video to the other screen", where instead of overlaying the video on top of the other at 50% opacity, we put it in a small - resizable insert. (In that case you'd have to keep both screens open)…"

Actually there is a "coaching" difference between a picture sequence on top of a video or a combined video. As a coach I try to investigate a certain pose (single frame) of a performance, at the same time both comparing it to another picture and looking for reason/solutions in a sequence that lead to this particular move. It is like looking at a freeze and moving picture at the same time...My head fills out the lacking frames smile


(18 replies, posted in General)

The new quick picture insert and send function in 8.13 is great! Would it be possible to give the image a"persistence-setting" for insertion in a dynamic video?
And as I get going "crazy", would it later be possible to send a series of pictures (sequence) to a defined spot on the other video. Let´s say I need five pictures of the penultimate step of a longjumper. I load a video of my athlete and a video of a well performed lowering before the plank. "Push a button" andv I have a sequence for comparison on the upper edge of my athletes videoperformance...:)?